APHIS #: 34-R-0001
OLAW/PHS Assurance #: D16-00072 (A3114-01)
Type: Public Higher Education
AAALAC Accredited: Yes


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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).

Individuals of Leadership

Name Position
Dr. Bill King Attending Veterinarian
Dr. Daniel Myers IACUC Chair
Mark Schlissel President
S. Jack Hu Institutional Official
Sally J. Churchill Vice President of Research

Other Information

Title Value
Congressional District Michigan 12th
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) 73133571
Government Funding_3.1.19_-_2.30.20 $843,048,213.00
PHS Assurance Number D16-00072 (A3114-01)

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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).