Middle Tennessee State University

Folder Records: 0 Address 1301 E Main St, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 37132

APHIS #: None
OLAW/PHS Assurance #: D16-00894 (A4701-01)
Type: Public Higher Education
AAALAC Accredited: No


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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).


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Is the lab subject to the open records law in its state?Yes Yes

Is the lab subject to federal FOIA?No No

Ag-Gag Law

Name: Farm Animal and Research Facilities Protection

Citation: T. C. A. § 39-14-801 - 806

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Anti-Cruelty Law

Name: Tennessee Anti-Cruelty Laws

Citation: I.C. 35-46-3-0.1 - 15,36-8-3-18

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Open Records Law

Name: Tennessee Public Records Act

Citation: T.C.A. § 10-7-501 et seq.


Only state residents can file requests. (Technically, universities and agencies have discretion to fulfill requests from non-residents, but this basically never happens.) Initial response time is seven business days. There are no appeals. The state’s Office of Open Records Counsel provides nonbinding mediation for disputes. Fees are charged for search/retrieval (first hour is free), review/redaction, and duplication. Universities can grant fee waivers.

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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).