MLM Medical Labs , LLC
Alternative Names:
MLM Medical Labs Minnesota, Inc.
(Other Name)
Records: 0
3510 Hopkins Place North, Oakdale, Minnesota, 55128
OLAW/PHS Assurance #:
Private Sector
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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).
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No records found.Laws
Is the lab subject to the open records law in its state?
Is the lab subject to federal FOIA?
Anti-Cruelty Law
Name: Minnesota Anti-Cruelty Laws
Citation: M S A § 34301 - 40,609294,609596
Open Records Law
Name: Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
Citation: M.S.A. 13.03
Anyone can file a request. Initial response time isn’t specified by the law, other than “prompt.” There are no appeals. Each public university must have a designated “data practices compliance official” who basically acts as an ombudsman, and Minnesota’s Data Practices Office offers nonbinding opinions in public-records disputes (although whether they respond to any given complaint is up to them). The law is vague regarding how fees are assessed, but universities are allowed to charge. Fee waivers aren’t addressed, but the law says that agencies “may” charge fees, which implies that they have the power to not charge. Our experience shows that universities and colleges take ages to fulfill requests, although there have been exceptions.
Post-Research Adoption Law
Name: Minnesota Post-Research Adoption Law
Citation: M.S.A. § 135A.191
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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).
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