Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Records: 1
Office of Research & Projects, Campus Box 1046, Edwardsville, Illinois, 62026
OLAW/PHS Assurance #:
Public Higher Education
AAALAC Accredited:
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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).
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Is the lab subject to the open records law in its state?
Is the lab subject to federal FOIA?
Ag-Gag Law
Name: Animal Research and Production Facilities Protection
Citation: 720 I.L.C.S. 5/48-2
Open Records Law
Name: Illinois Freedom of Information Act
Citation: 5 I.L.C.S. 140
Anyone can file a request. Initial response times is five days. Appeals go to the Public Access Counselor at the Illinois Attorney General’s office. Fees are only for duplication, and with digital files, universities can charge only for the physical media, if any (CD, thumb drive, etc.). Universities can waive fees if the request is in the public interest. In general, we’ve found that Illinois universities are relatively good about releasing documents and using redactions sparingly.
Anti-Cruelty Law
Name: Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act
Citation: 510 ILCS 70/1 - 18,720 ILCS 5/12-35
Post-Research Adoption Law
Name: Illinois Research Dogs and Cats Adoption Act
Citation: 510 I.L.C.S. 93/1 - 10
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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).
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