APHIS #: 64-R-0004
OLAW/PHS Assurance #: D16-00162 (A3255-01)
Type: Public Higher Education


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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).


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View 2024 - March APHIS Enforcement Action PDF 05/30/2024 Download
View 2023 - July Animal Care Complaint to APHIS PDF SAEN 05/15/2024 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2Z OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2X OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2V OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2U OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2T OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 - OLAW Case 2S OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2022 AWA Exceptions PDF Primates 08/25/2023 Download
View 2022 Column E Explanation PDF graphic content, Cats 08/25/2023 Download
View 2022 Annual Report to APHIS PDF 08/23/2023 Download
View 2021 March APHIS Inspection Report PDF ferrets 04/21/2021 Download
View 2021 August APHIS Inspection Report PDF 07/11/2022 Download
View 2021 - OLAW Case 2Q OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2021 - OLAW Case 2P OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2021 - OLAW Case 2O OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2021 - OLAW Case 2N OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2021 - OLAW Case 2M OLAW Noncompliance Correspondence PDF Mice 08/22/2022 Download
View 2021 AWA Exceptions PDF primates 07/25/2022 Download
View 2021 Column E Explanation PDF graphic content 07/25/2022 Download


Is the lab subject to the open records law in its state?Yes Yes

Is the lab subject to federal FOIA?No No

Anti-Cruelty Law

Name: Alabama Anti-Cruelty Laws

Citation: Ala Code 1975 § 13A-11-14 - 16,§ 13A-11-240 to 247,§ 13A–11–260 to 264,§ 13A-12-4 - 6,§ 3-1-8 to 29,§ 2-15-110 to 114

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Open Records Law

Name: Alabama Open Records Law

Citation: Alabama Code § 36-12-40


Only Alabama residents can file requests. Response time isn’t set by the law. There are no appeals. However, in disputes, you can ask the person handling your request to seek a nonbinding opinion from the state Attorney General. They’re under no obligation to do this, though. The law is extremely vague about fees, and it’s largely up to each university and college to set its own rates (keeping in mind the Alabama Attorney General’s guidance that fees should be “nominal” and, if possible, even nonexistent).

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Ag-Gag Law

Name: Farm Animal, Crop, and Research Facilities Protection Act

Citation: Ala. Code 1975 § 13A-11-150 - 158

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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).