William Paterson University of New Jersey

Folder Records: 1 Address 300 Pompton Road, Wayne, New Jersey, 07470

APHIS #: 22-R-0065
OLAW/PHS Assurance #:
Type: Private Higher Education
AAALAC Accredited: No


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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).


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View 1999 Annual Report to APHIS PDF 09/22/2020 Download


Is the lab subject to the open records law in its state?No No

Is the lab subject to federal FOIA?No No

Anti-Cruelty Law

Name: New Jersey Anti-Cruelty Laws

Citation: NJSA 4:22-10 to 4:22-60,NJSA 2C:33-31 - 32

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Post-Research Adoption Law

Name: New Jersey Homes for Animal Heroes Act

Citation: N.J.S.A. 18A:3B-85

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Open Records Law

Name: New Jersey Open Public Records Act

Citation: N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.


Anyone can file a request. Initial response time is seven business days. There are no appeals. Nonbinding mediation is available from the New Jersey Government Records Council. The only fee is for duplication, and this cannot include labor charges. New Jersey has a “lab gag” law, which means that all records about research at higher-educational institutions can be withheld. We typically don’t want to discourage anyone from filing records requests, but in the case of New Jersey, it really is hopeless. In some states, such as Texas and Nebraska, the deck is heavily stacked against you, but in New Jersey the deck is locked away in a vault and you’ll never see a single card.

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Disclaimer: All animal data populated from lab annual report(s).